Accepted Transfer Students

Enrollment Check List

Confirm Your Enrollment

Submit your $500 nonrefundable deposit to Rensselaer by the deadline indicated in your acceptance letter to confirm your place. 

Payment methods:

  • secure online payment system to pay by credit card or through PayPal.
  • check or money order: Make it payable to “Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.” Include your name and Rensselaer Identification Number (RIN).  Mail it to: 
    Undergraduate Admissions
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    110 8th Street
    Troy, New York 12180-3590

Login password and Rensselaer Identification Number (RIN) were provided at the time of your application.

Financial Aid

Visit the Office of Financial Aid website to learn about Transfer Student Financial Aid options.

Credit Evaluation

  • Submit course descriptions and/or syllabi for all courses:
    • This information is required for faculty to determine transfer credit.
    • Ensure any international business courses include a full syllabus for review.
  • Transfer AP/IB credits:
  • Wait for evaluation results:
    • You will receive a transfer credit evaluation worksheet, which lists your completed courses and their transfer status.
    • A DegreeWorks report will detail the courses required for your degree and which requirements are already fulfilled.

If you have any questions about the credit evaluation or CAPP report, email

Transfer Student Orientation (required)

Registration for Transfer Student Orientation will open in May.  It is traditionally held in late August. 

Student Health Requirements (required)

Visit the Student Health and Wellness website to complete the Student Health Requirements. 

On-Campus Housing

All transfer students entering with sophomore or freshman class standing are required to live on campus (and participate in a dining plan) for the first two semesters to facilitate the transition to the Rensselaer community.

Complete the online housing application (requires RCS ID and password)

Select Laptop

The Rensselaer Mobile Computing Program (MCP) provides students with competitively priced, pre-configured laptops through the school, along with extensive benefits including a four-year warranty, on-campus support, loaner laptops, and certified repair services.

At the end of April, the Mobile Computing Program will post three laptop options to review and will send an email with instructions for ordering and pickup.

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